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Ice Bulletins Western Lake Erie, Detroit River, Lac St Clair and the St Clair River - Daily Outlook

SRCN09 CWIS 241800  

Ice bulletin for Western Lake Erie, the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair River issued at 

1800 UTC Monday February 24 2025 by the Montreal Ice Centre of the Canadian Coast Guard. 

Next bulletin will be issued at 1800 UTC tomorrow.

General ice conditions: Medium brash, thin brash, thick lake ice, medium lake ice, thin lake ice, 

and new lake ice from Southern Lake Huron to South East Shoal.

Estimated ice conditions:

Point Edward to Buoy 42/2

Trace thin lake ice       

Trace to 2/10 new lake ice

Buoy 42/2 to Salt Dock

3/10 thin brash

3/10 medium lake ice

3/10 thin lake ice

Salt Dock to X32

8/10 to 9+/10 thin brash

In ship track

X32 to St Clair Crib Light

5/10 to 7/10 thin brash

Trace to 2/10 thick lake ice

Trace to 2/10 medium lake ice

In ship track

St Clair Crib Light to Peche Island Range Front 

3/10 to 5/10 thick lake ice

1/10 to 3/10 medium lake ice

In ship track

Peche Island Range to Detroit River Light

Trace to 1/10 medium lake ice

Trace to 1/10 thin lake ice

Trace to 2/10 new lake ice

Detroit River Light to Colchester Reef 

2/10 to 4/10 medium lake ice

3/10 to 5/10 thin lake ice

Trace to 2/10 new lake ice 

Colchester Reef to Pelee Island

5/10 thick lake ice

5/10 medium lake ice

Presence of ridges

Pelee Island to South East Shoal

Trace to 1/10 medium lake ice

Trace to 1/10 thin lake ice

Trace to 1/10 new lake ice


Mariners are advised to navigate with extreme caution in the vicinity of and in ice infested waters 

as ice conditions may be more extensive and/or severe than reported.

Pieces of fast ice may break away from the fast ice edges and drift into the shipping channel at any 

time between the Detroit River and the St. Clair River.

This bulletin as well as ice charts are also available online at the following addresses:


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Ices Bulletins
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